Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Losing a pet is never easy. Losing a friend is even harder. Today, we lost both. Sadie, you were our friend, our guardian, our companion, and our family. We love you and miss you deeply.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Holy moly! I forgot to post the most important event of the last week...Uncle Randy came home from Afghanistan! We are so happy to have him back safe and sound! He will be making a trip to Wyoming in the near future and we can't wait to see him! I am also particulary excited to meet his girlfriend Whitney and her daughter Haley! Whitney was there to welcome Randy home and the pictures of course made me cry.

We love you Uncle Randy (and Whitney and Haley :)) and we can't wait to see you guys!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Catch up

Where does the time go? I feel like I'm always running behind with the blog. I apologize for my tardiness, but better late than never right? I realize that Christmas was nearly a month ago, but I figured I would post some pictures since I never got around to it :)

We had the boys for the second half of their Christmas vacation, so we picked them up on the 26th and headed to the ranch. They were super excited to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Cowardin. We had so much fun opening presents, sledding, making projects in the shop, and making chocolate covered mice! We even had a big bonfire and lit off fireworks!! It was wonderful to spend time at the ranch and visit our family!

After a busy holiday season, we have been spending lots of time cleaning and organizing our house. Even though its been almost 9 months since we moved into our new house, we are just now getting our pictures hung on the wall! We had the boys this weekend and they helped us go through all their old toys and clothes. Even though its taken us a while, I'm so glad we're finally getting all the way settled in!

Today we were all excited to watch the Packers game since they were in the NFC Championship. I'm trying to convert the boys into football fans :) We all donned our Packers duds and watched them woop up on the Bears! It was an awesome game, and I can't wait to watch the Super Bowl!!

Last week was Allen's 5th Birthday. I can't believe my little man is almost in Kindergarten!! Allen, you have the kindest heart of anyone I know and you are incredibly special. Your smile is contagious and you never cease to amaze me with how smart you are! I am blessed to have you in my life and I love you with all my heart!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tis the Season

I cannot believe Christmas is less than a week away. Where has this year gone? We were actually ahead of schedule this year and had our Christmas lights up within the first couple of weeks of December and all of our Christmas shopping done early! Wow-go us :)

We decided to have a REAL Christmas tree this year! The boys were super excited to get to pick out a tree and put all the decorations and lights on it. My friend Erin came over to help us which ended up being so much fun!

We also took the boys to see Santa! I think I was more excited than they were but that's okay :) They were definitely having nothing to do with sitting on Santa's lap, but we did convince them to stand next to him.

On Friday the boys had their Christmas party at their school. Mrs. Hall had asked me to do a craft with the kids during the party, so I decided to make foam picture frames. The kids seemed like they had lots of fun! I love getting the opportunity to spend time with Allen and Thomas in their classroom. It makes me feel included in their lives and I love it :)

Being the naturally emotional woman that I am, Christmas always seems to make me extra sappy. With all the plans that we make and all the extra tasks that always seem to pop up, it becomes very easy to lose focus on what Christmas is really about. I always try to remember how lucky I am to have my family and friends, and everything else that I have been blessed with in my life. I am so grateful for all of you and I count my blessings everyday, but twice on Christmas :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

ABC's and 123's

Over the past couple of months Avery and I have had the chance to spend some time in Thomas and Allen's preschool classroom. It's amazing to see all the things they do in their class and all the things they learn. It seems like they learn things so much sooner now than I ever remember learning them! Their teacher, Mrs. Hall, is amazing and I am so thankful that she always makes it a point to include us in their classroom activities!

Last month, Avery and I were invited to come speak to their class about being Community Helpers. I talked to them about being a dispatcher, calling 911 in emergencies, and how police officers are there to help people. Avery was definitely a hit in his uniform with all his toys :) Avery taught the class about what he does as a police officer and explained what all his gadgets are for. The kids were awesome listeners and we were excited to get to spend some extra time with the boys :)

Today we were invited into Thomas and Allen's classroom for a special project. Mrs. Hall had asked Avery to put together a woodworking project for the kids, so Avery decided that we would help them build their very own toolboxes! I think Avery was even more excited than the kids :) He spent two weeks cutting out pieces and drilling the holes and made each kid their own "toolbox kit". They were definitely a hit! The kids were awesome at putting them together and were so happy to see the finished product!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Time Out

"The man with insight enough to admit his limitations comes nearest to perfection."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There are not many times where I question my abilities to be a good Step mom. I know that I provide stability, comfort, and love to my two boys in every way I can. So when I had to send them back to their Mom early this weekend, I was heartbroken and ashamed.

Earlier in the week, I had a seizure. Something that has never happened to me before. My body ached and my head pounded and all I felt like doing was sleeping. When it came time to pick up the boys, I mustered every ounce of energy I had to try and be the happy, exuberant, playful Step mom that I always want to be for them. And I couldn't do it. While Avery was able to stay home with us on Friday, he had to return to work Saturday. Which meant that I had to take care of the boys by myself. And I knew I couldn't do it. And it broke my heart.

The guilt I felt in having to pack their suitcases and explain to them why they were going home early weighed heavy. I cried and cried after their Mom picked them up. I sat and thought to myself, "real moms don't get to do that; why should I." And then I got very mad at myself.

I know in my heart that I love those boys as if they were my own. And I know that they know that too. They saw how upset I was. They knew I wasn't sending them home because I wanted to. So feeling sorry for myself and wallowing in my self-pity was hurting no one but myself. I have never given those boys any reason to doubt that I love them with my whole heart. So why should I.

I think as Moms and Step moms, we tend to put pressure on ourselves to be perfect. Do the perfect projects; spend the perfect time with our kids; make the perfect memories. But I think it's the little things between those "perfects" that make our children know that we love them. It's the kisses on the owies, the extra chocolate in the chocolate milk, and the bear hugs when they walk in the door. Even when I can't do all the activities or spend all the time I want with the boys, I know they know I love them. And that's perfect for me.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Spiderman Invasion!!

Monkey see, monkey do. Once Thomas saw Allen in his Spiderman costume, he decided he no longer wanted to be Thomas the Tank Engine. He now wanted to be Spiderman too. So we had two Spidermans for Halloween!!

Our Halloween started the last time we had the boys, which is when we carved our pumpkins. Allen dove right in and seemed to enjoy scraping out the "pumpkin brains". Thomas, on the other hand, did not like the idea of getting dirty. Once we got his all cleaned out, he was all for the carving part :)

Their pumpkins turned out pretty cute...

On Friday night we took the boys to the SafeTreat in the dorms. They made out like bandits! And Dad and Darcey got a workout going up and down those stairs...

On Saturday, I took the boys to their very first UW Football game!! They had lots of fun and did amazingly well during the game! I fully expected to be leaving at halftime with two cranky, bored kids but they lasted the whole game!

On another note, Allen has been asking about his Uncle Randy a bunch lately. I think he is old enough to understand what it means when we say Uncle Randy is deployed. He asks to see the world map so he can figure out where "Lasmanistan" is (that's how Allen pronounces Afghanistan).

Just so you know Uncle Randy, we are always thinking of you and the boys ask about you all the time. Stay safe and we'll be seeing you soon! Love you Dooter!